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Events und Ausstellungen von Margarita Kriebitzsch

Pop Art artist Margarita Kriebitzsch

Faszination Hamburg Original Pop Art Gemälde von Margarita Kriebitzsch kaufen
Gemälde und Portraits im Auftrag bestellen
Pop-Art Hamburg Collagen kaufen
Kunstserie Zauberwald von Margarita Kriebitzsch - 3D Kunst
Schaufenster der Pop Art Gallery Margarita im Bülow-Haus Hamburg
Pop Art Gallery Margarita in Hamburg
Referenzen - Pop Art Portraits und Hamburg Collagen von Margarita Kriebitzsch bei Fidelity
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Als Pop Art Künstlerin aus Hamburg lasse ich mich von der lebendigen und pulsierenden Welt um mich herum inspirieren. Meine Gemälde von prominenten Persönlichkeiten und privaten Portraits sind in grellen Farben und mit Neon Acryl handgemalt, um die Energie und Lebendig-keit meiner Motive einzufangen. Meine Kunst ist modern, kühn und einzigartig - eine Reflexion der zeitgenössischen Welt, in der wir leben. Durch meine Werke möchte ich die Grenzen zwischen Kunst und Alltag verschwimmen lassen und die Betrachter dazu einladen, die Welt mit neuen Augen zu sehen.

Margarita Kriebitzsch

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Madame Marina Picasso und Margarita Kriebitzsch - Pablo Picasso Portrait Cannes

Madame Marina Picasso on the portrait of her grandfather painted by Margarita Kriebitzsch

France 3 TV Côte d'Azur 25 sept 2015

Portrait of Pablo Picasso with his muse by Margarita Kriebitzsch in France 3 TV.

At the international exhibition ARTISTES DU MONDE CANNES, the Hamburg pop art artist Margarita Kriebitzsch exhibited a portrait she designed with Pablo Picasso and his muse Dora Maar in Pop Art.

The painting generated a lot of public interest and even found its way into the main news on French television that evening .

In addition to the many exhibitions at home and abroad and her presence in various galleries, Margarita Kriebitzsch is successfully represented on well-known art portals on the Internet. A very special exhibition with large-format Pop Art by the artist is located in the house of the company Fidelity, a specialist provider of home cinemas and high fidelity in the luxury segment in Rellingen near Hamburg. Here the visitor can enjoy Pop Art art, sound and listening experiences of the highest quality in harmony in cozy living spaces :

Art lovers will find many celebrity portraits in this exhibition, e.g. B. by John Lennon, Udo Lindenberg or Helmut Schmidt as original paintings in Pop Art. These portraits also encourage visitors to create their own private portraits, which are realized by the artist on behalf of customers. Individuals or entire families can now be portrayed by the artist in Pop Art.

Many facets of the Hanseatic city are shown in strong colors by Margarita Kriebitzsch in Pop Art. Every picture is a decorative piece of jewelery, every motif is a lively, colorful Hamburg. Personalized digital collages by the artist are an ideal gift for family celebrations or company anniversaries. Digital customer photos (e.g. photos of people, company logos) are incorporated into the motifs of the Hamburg collages by the artist in an elaborate process and transformed into unique works of art.

Margarita Kriebitzsch also offers art consulting tailored to the individual needs of private and commercial customers. For the respective spatial and organizational conditions in living and office spaces, she and her creative team develop tailor-made room solutions on the subject of art and images. The artist was even able to create a cointainer motif on a 1: 1 scale on behalf of a large grocery chain.

The artist is regularly present at international art exhibitions and trade fairs. In 2013, ART INTERNATIONAL in Zurich was the most important stop on the exhibition calendar. In 2014, the International Artistes du Monde Exposition under the patronage of Prince Albert in Monaco was the highlight of the artist's calendar. In 2014 and 2015 the painter was awarded art prizes at AURAKURE. In 2015, the International Artistes du Monde Exposition also followed, under the patronage of Madame Marina Picasso in Cannes.

The highlight of this exhibition in Cannes was of course getting to know the granddaughter of Pablo Picasso, whose portrait the artist presented there, which was even reported on the main news program on French television.

Personal appointments in Hamburg are possible at short notice by arrangement.

Contact: . Mobile: 0163 - 428 72 84

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